Sunday, March 27, 2005

Daniel Okrent

When, in his most recent column, Daniel Okrent says,

"Most readers would already have learned about Bonds's explosive meeting with the press from broadcast or Internet news sources, or even from the guy in the next seat on the subway.",

he is right on top of my main point in some of my notes in the A Trip through Editorial Space posts. If the NYTimes is going to rely on its columnists and op-eders to bring to its pages news, even if one may credibly believe that this news is already widely known, then it has ceased to be a news gathering organization and become simply a reporting one. The question becomes, do I want to know the news or do I want Maureen Dowd's take on the news. At times I do want Ms. Dowd's take on an issue, but I consistently find her opinion more valuable when I know as many facts about the case as she does. So you are forcing me to get my news elsewhere. Which I do. I always check 3 or 4 news sources (including blogs) before turning to the Times. I used to turn to the Times first.

Far be it from me to say this is right or wrong, but these guys have powerful, far-reaching news organizations whose stories are often the staple of other papers in the country, so we out here are getting yesterday's news when we get it at all. And the papers wonder why they aren't making any money.

Speaking of which, I am going to do something I never thought I'd do. I would like to say that the San Francisco Examiner (a free paper) appears to be becoming a rather good Local/State paper which is what the Chronicle does (among other things) for s**t. Kudos.

And when the NYTimes is reporting on issues on the op-ed page others feel perfectly justified in following suit. Remember when there was a difference between a Paper and a Newspaper? I do.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Schiavo silliness

Ok, I finally got sucked into it. This is such obviously shallow grandstanding that we should all ignore it but we can't because the MSM is infatuated. Fuck. I wrote this on the Al Franken Show blog today and went back and got it because it is more lucid and coherent than what I was writing last night on DailyKos and elsewhere.

  1. The dems aren’t scared of their shadow, but they’ve had there pee-pees slapped and can’t bring themselves to further alienate the reactionary rightwing minority that DelayCo enflames with such seemingly simple calls as “life vs. death”. Admittedly it’s a tough battle to go into but not when you are speaking to people with mental ages greater than 8 or so. The Dems and regular republicans need to be willing to stand up to the rapturists and the silly MSM needs to not let this stuff run for a week above the fold. Just because people are emotionally attached to a falsity doesn’t mean it’s not false. And just because they’re emotional does not mean we need to take them seriously. The more attention they get, the more important they think they are and the better chance you have of someone doing something really, really stupid when Terri Schiavo dies. It is time we remarginalize this grouup of extremists.

    BTW, the Schidlers are part and parcel of this farce. This is not happening around them. They have engaged all sorts of quacks and fundamentalists to help whip up the frenzy. If Terri dies on Easter, we have really big problems.

    Posted by krome on 03/24 at 03:06 PM"
Cut and pasted with all the typos uncorrected because we really, really need to stop pretending that this is about anything except an extremist minority being propped up by the sickened and sickening rightwing to advance g*d knows what agenda. They will do anything to keep their nefarious shenanigans from light.

And though I am sick of hearing about it here's an article that caught my eye. And let's not forget that State's Rights are very important to the rethugs until things don't go their way at the State level.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

and here he is

Here is a recording of our friend from my window above the Tenderloin .

Spring is sprung

The first robin of the season is right now singing on the TV antenna atop the building next to mine.

From the Well

here's something I posted on the Well that I think sums up how I feel about things quite nicely. Posted here for those who aren't Well members. It's a great place that I visited back in the late '80s/early '90s and have recently rejoined. Go to to check it out or join($15/mth or so):


politics 2159: Continue to pay attention to the men behind the curtain
#1379 of 1396: Tell your piteous heart there's no harm done. (krome) Mon 21 Mar 2005 (12:52 PM)

I grew up believing that the Democratic party was the party of common
sense and intelligence. Fiscally, morally, environmentally and
diplomatically(eg standing against the Vietnam War). I think that to
any intelligent being they still are especially when compared with the
current administration and congressional leadership. Consequently, I
have struck out against anyone and everyone that voted for Bush and/or
any other rethug by simply impugning their intelligence, which may not
always be fair. It will not be easy for me to accept swing voters back
into "my" party, but I don't have to, the party does. I hope Howard
Dean can convince these people that they are voting against their own
interests, financially, morally, environmentally and diplomatically and
that the Democratic party will look out for their interests.
Unfortunately, it may take a draft to start these people thinking.

Here we go again. When we can figure out how to pass along wisdom
genetically, we will finally win this war against ourselves."

Sunday, March 20, 2005

It's not all politics

To the New Yorker:


The main fact, as far as I know, that determines that a tomato is a fruit rather than a vegetable, is that a fruit carries its seeds within the part of it, the "fruit", that we eat. Vegetables do not. So, at least in my experience, your average eggplant is also a fruit. A curious omission on your part."

I'll let you know if I get a response.


Sunday Blahs

Well, should be heading down to the "Ulysses" discussion group that I really enjoy, but I'm sick. Some nasty virus that has been coming up for a week or so. Checking in at the DailyKos Sunday talk show diary I find that it's all rethuglicans and generals...and Sinn Fein. The Democratic Party is sitting on the sidelines while the right spews lies and innuendo. Again. Come on!! You people are starting to embarass me with this laziness. Get your asses on the tube and call the liars liars.

Yesterday, walking to get some beer before heading down to the anti-War rally, I saw this adorable latina child in a beautiful burgundy, velvet dress with lace at the neck and cuffs, walking next to her mother who was pushing a stroller(pram). The child was carrying a doll. I happened to look down at her as she, while apparently looking straight ahead, walked right into a brick wall corner. I'm sure there wasn't really a sound, but I imagined a thunk and she fell down and, after a moment of stunned wonder, began to cry, softly at first and then wailing. As if the first wimpers were for the pain, not too severe since she wasn't moving that fast, followed by wails for the injustices of the world. Just walking along a Tenderloin sidewalk dressed for church or a birthday party on a Saturday, carrying your favorite doll and this...wall just jumps up and hits you in the face. I hate when that happens.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

The probable draft

OK, here are some links that you might want to browse if the idea of a draft for this war concerns you. From Stars and Stripes.

Link to Daily Kos diary outlining the plans with links.

Here's a link that appears to be a good outline of how to claim conscientious objector status.

More links as I run across them. This is probably going to happen.

Friday, March 18, 2005


Is there a better album to wake up to than Parliament's "Mothership Connection"? I don't think so, but feel free to comment.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

yeah, we know...

Here it's said that the US had plans for Iraqi oil long before 9/11. Can't say that I'm at all surprised. But interesting that the destruction of OPEC isn't necessarily what the oil companies want.

By comparison...

For those of you who haven't seen a lot of rejection notices, here is one I recieved today. This is of the much more usual sort and I think it will help you understand why the previous was so welcome.:

"Please find enclosed the return of your visuals. While your work is engaging, at this time we find it unlikely that we will be expanding our program.

In the interim, we thank you for considering this gallery and I encourage you to investigate other Bay Area galleries and local institutions. Again, thank you and we wish you much future success.

Best regards,..."

Not horrible, but preetty plain and printed on really cheap paper as opposed to the previous. Even if the previous is a form letter, it's a really good one.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Why, thank you for not showing my art!

Got probably the nicest rejection letter today that I have ever seen and I have seen quite a few:

"I greatly appreciated the opportunity to review your images. While you are obviously quite talented, after careful consideration, I have elected to return the materials to you. At the present moment, the imagery does not match the current aesthetic of the gallery.

Thanks again for your interest and I sincerely wish you the best of luck.

Warm Regards,..."

My, my, now that's the kind of note that makes it OK that they don't want to hang your stuff.

"I have to do my Happy Dance"

The above is from a post by somebody at RawStory this morning when we learned that 4 ethics groups were going to look into Tom(bugman) DeLay's(say isn't that a French name, bud?) crimes. We also now know that tomorrow at 10AM there will be a vote on whether or not the Congress will demand all information on the Gannon/Guckert scandal. Of course we know it won't pass the Rethuglican controlled House but at least we have the f***ers on the record. Social Security Destruction is deader by the minute. Oh yeah!!!

Now, I don't want to gloat when nothing's for sure...Oh Wait!! Bernie Ebbers convicted on EVERY, SINGLE one of the 11 counts of fraud and other stuff!!!Yeah!! (doing Happy Dance to King Crimson) F**k you, Bernie! and tell your wife to suck it up and stop crying. While you're answering to "Bitch!" for , perhaps, the rest of your life(possible 85 years for all counts), she's gonna have to deal with the fact that she married a Punk, an Asshole and a shitty businessman. Poor Mississippi baby! (doing Happy Dance to Lone Justice).

Now to all you people who voted for the schmucks and their supporters, let's talk. We've had our differences in the past and I will admit that I have been somewhat rigid in my belief that you mean nothing but the destruction of this country to come from your party and your votes. But, I know not all of you could see what was so obvious to the rest of us, so, I just want to say, "Step back, raise your hands where I can see them, slooowly, and GET YOUR F***ING HANDS OFF OF MY COUNTRY!!!!! NOW!!!"

OK, I have to go hand out bartending resumes.

(Doing Happy Dance to OMD and whatever else comes on...)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Rich's piece

Careful readers will recall the following from "A Trip through Editorial Space" part 3:

"Whoops, I almost forgot about this one. It's not just that they aren't reporting it. When they do report it they do a really weak job,2/20:

Web Site Owner Says He Knew of Reporter's 2 Identities

"Texas Republicans said he(Bobby Eberle. kmw) was not well known in the party."
Of course they said this!!! You nitwit! He was a delegate to the 2000 RNC(, he purchased a website from a political insider(Bruce Eberle, relation unknown, but you certainly can't just say the aren't related when Bruce says he's handing off to one of the Texas Eberle clan). You guys are just determined to bury this story aren't you? “"

Searching for gannon/guckert shows no new articles since I wrote that except for Frank Rich's Arts editorial of March 6 in which he writes, (quoting the Daily Texan? No offence to at least one of this blog's readers(who edited the DT), but i spent 13 years using the DT for birdcage liner. Either they've gotten a lot better, not so according to another friend in Austin, or the NYTimes is really falling) "...
today's White House press corps is less likely to be invaded by maverick talents like a drug-addled reporter from a renegade start-up magazine than by a paid propagandist like Jeff Gannon, a fake reporter for a fake news organization (Talon News) run by a bona fide Texas Republican operative who was a delegate to the 2000 Bush convention." (emphasis mine)

Now, I was not the only one reminding them long ago that Bobby Eberle was well known in TX Rethuglican circles. The point here is that the NYTimes is "covering" the story in the Op-ed columns and so is everyone else. The editorial pages are a good place to ask questions that may never be answered(eg "Who was actually paying G/G?" ), but it is not the place to inform readers of the depth of cooperation between TalonNews and the DC Rethuglican machine.

I still don't understand why the NYTimes has been so afraid of this story. I mean, they are reporting on DeLay's corruption connections. It seems that they and many others were scared that at some point it would cave and they'd end up looking like a tabloid. But the facts were pretty solid a week or so into it and once they were ready to publish the skimpy articles they did, they were committed as far as I'm concerned.

Yet, they pulled back or out.

And you will notice that Rich goes out of his way to point out that ABC and CBS didn't report the story. You know that's just ridiculous...Calling the fucking kettle black, Frank!

They're either pusswas (thanks to Go Fug Yourself) or suckups. Either way, I'm still not buying their paper.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

SS this week

Well the Bush/Snow(job) zamboni is rolling along and, surprise, there aren't any new outright lies to confront. They've already used them all and they have all been debunked repeatedly. So we get things like Snow invoking Albert Einstein to tell us why he wants to destroy Social Security and GWB saying that the private accounts will be on top off and outside of Social Security. Bullshit. They have been insisting all along that these accounts would be to provide the lion's share of benefits(Thanks to Dailykos for reading my mind and giving the perfectly succinct link to an analysis). The math still doesn't work people, and Snow, if you expect anyone to believe that you would have the first idea of how to understand anything Albert Einstein ever said, think(or try to) again. Links to transcripts when I can. And I will be dealing with Frank Rich's (pretty good) recent editorial that manages to cover information about Gannon/Guckert that the Times has previouosly failed to cover in the News section.

Monday, March 07, 2005

InRe: the Mclaughlin Group


Anyone who even thinks about believing that Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld are forthcoming is automatically, in my book, besniggen. I just made this word up, "Besniggen: to be as useless as snot that has been wiped away and tossed into the trashcan, that is, unthinkably useless, naggingly useless, more useless than 3 day old black snow, more killingly useless than black ice on the Tahachapis, more pathetically useless than Icarus's wings as they began to melt, as worthless, in fact, as a poet laureate for the United States. Utterly, utterly and completely not worth a fraction of the energy it takes to stage your junior high school debate class every week. A dead skunk you drive over one night on your motorcycle."

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Hmmm...Saturday, broke, happy...

I will be 40 years old in 10 weeks or so and the other day I got carded when ordering Sake at the Sushi bar. Cool.

Since this is a blog, perhaps I can lay off the politics for a bit and just chat. Listening to 'Another Green World' after dinner of home-made lentils and fresh bread, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale in the fridge. BTW Sierra Nevada means "snowy mountain range" so the only correct way to truncate the name is "the sierra" rather than "the sierras" which would mean "mountain ranges" while we only have the one.

And Junipero Serra was the monk responsible for most of the California missions. Depending upon which traffic commentator you are hearing it is pronounced as "Junipero" as in soft G up front or "Junipero" as in sort of soft H up front. Either works. But " the Sierra" is the only proper way to say that.

40 doesn't mean anything to me. 35 meant more. It has taken me longer than it should have to realize that most people don't have a goal for their lives. If you had asked me 30 years ago what I wanted to be, the response would probably be the same as it is now, "an Artist". Art, as little as it means to most people, is really the only thing that matters to me. It has taken me awhile to realize this as well. I am not as sharp sometimes as I think I should be.

A few years ago I stopped in a bar here in SF and in the newspaper rack there was a copy of the fanzine "Maximum Rock&Roll" which I hadn't seen in awhile. Reading through the letters to the editor, I came across a letter from a guy in prison in TX who used to be the singer for a band called Verbal Abuse. His stage name was Nikki Sicki(sp?) . His real name is Nicky Hanson and I knew him many, many years ago in Houston. I fed him at my Dad's house and I met his parents once at their place in Memorial Drive. Not sure what this means but it screws with one's mind to pick up a fanzine in a bar in SF and find a letter from someone you haven't even thought of in 15 years or so. Reminds you of where you aren't.

Have another friend going to prison for 2-3 years for tax evasion and other things. When I was distraut to hear this, he said that "you can't tell what life is going to bring". I have heard the same from others. It's as if they are just standing around waiting for life to happen to them.

And since I cannot stop with the politics check this out
They really are trying to stop all thought.

It seems that I knew this as a child as I know it now. Why can't we stop this? Why are we so wedded to stupidity and fascism?

As to the title of this post: it is Saturday and there's nothing to be done for it. Not that I wish for it to not be Saturday. I'm broke because I have been laid off 2 times in 14 months and am, once again, having to figure out how to live on unemployment. Happy because being really, really poor simplifies so much. I mean, you don't have to think about what to do with your money.

yeah, so, I'm cool...but I do wonder why we can't use wisdom more to govern youthful surety and ignorance

And for those of you who, like me, have found yourselves in that oh so dark land of trying to figure out WHY GWB wants to do what he does, here it is in all its disturbing psychosis and pathology
(or the longer version at )

Good Night.

Friday, March 04, 2005


These are the guys we have to look out for.

And, isn't it interesting how scared the Rethugs are of Howard Dean?

Courtesy of Media Matters for America.

Quote Time!

"To the hard of hearing you shout and for the almost blind you draw large and startling figures."
-Flannery O'Connor

"What we gotta do in this day and age, we gotta Agitate, Educate, Organize"
-That Petrol Emotion, circa 1987

Thursday, March 03, 2005

And this from


they are going to fall...the more Sun we shine the more they fall.

letter to Pelosi, Feinstein & Boxer

To: Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Representative Nancy Pelosi(strictly alphabetical, no bias or favoritism),

I am writing you to ask you to keep doing exactly what you have been doing with regard to this administration's attempts to destroy Social Security: Nothing but responding to lies with facts. Please do not offer any compromise. The Bush/Snow team is about to head out on a barnstorming trip to drum up support for this fiasco and I think we should do the following:

Address lies and misconceptions as soon as they crop up on the local TV/Radio stations in whichever market they appear.

Otherwise simply allow the administration to further spin its wheels. The more people learn about what this administration wants to do(as far as that means anything since they have no real proposal) the more they dislike it and for good reason.

The Social Security System is a successful and well run system that is infinitely preferable to investing these taxes in Mutual Funds which are not as successfully run and don't have near the record of stable growth.

Until this administration has offered a bill or other substantive document as to their actual plans, the minority party should do nothing. None of the ideas they have floated so far have been worth anything and I don't believe that they have anything but the utter destruction of Social Security and anything else that contributes to the dignity and security of the American people in their sights.

Nancy Pelosi's comments recently have struck straight to the point: The administration has underestimated the intelligence(or was it Wisdom?) of the American people when it comes to this issue. I appreciate that most Democrats have let the administration wear itself out to no avail, but I have started to see some start to offer compromises to what is a nothing so far. Let these people come to the table with a proposal and then shred it if it undermines the security which is the whole point of Social Security.

We can win this one with watchful, careful, mindful activity. There is no reason to address the foe on his own terms which are faulty, let him come to you.

This will also be posted on my blog,


Social Security redux

According to Raw Story, the BushCo is planning on a 60 day barnstorming campaign to sell SS. They've seen the polls and are getting scared. I repeat, this is nothing but an attempt to dismantle the New Deal and anything else that contributes to the dignity and security of the American people. Please collar everyone you know and have them hit my blog or some other place where they can take a look at some facts before they get hit in the face with rank propaganda. Call your Sens and Reps.

Also, quickly, there are things that can be done to shore up the long-term financial stability of SS. I will just mention 2. The simplest is to raise the FICA cap. As it is now, after you have made $90,000 you no longer contribute to FICA(I know this from others, certainly not from real life). By raising this cap or removing it entirely we could essentialy fund SS "forever". Another option that occurs to me is to allow SS to decide if it wants to loan cash to the Treasury. I believe and I will make sure when I can, that as it stands the SSTF is required to trade its assets to the Treasury for TBs on a daily basis. Perhaps, if the SSTF could keep cash on hand it might curb the Treaury's temptation to spend the cash it gets for its TBs.

The first problem with this is that the managing trustee of the SSTF is also the Secretary of the Treasury, so even if it was able to the SSTF might never "choose" not to loan its assets to Treasury.

Oh well, the important thing is that the current push for "reform" is a scam. We must fight it and not compromise. It is important that the Dems stand fast and not offer anything until the administration puts forth a bill that can be parsed thoroughly and discarded if it even looks like it might destroy SS as we know it. God knows if the Dems start compromising they are going to have to deal with amendments and committee language that could make them very, very uncomfortable. The Rethugs brought this up, let them take it to the people and put their best foot forward with no help from us(you listening Senator Lieberman?)

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Your Social Security Response Kit

OK, first a little talk about credit: You love it, I love it, some abuse it, but it is truly what the global economy relies on. Nobody, no state nor nation has, on hand, in cash, the millions or billions that they will need to do what they want (well, OK, some do. Those aristocracies where all the cash belongs to 5 individuals, but most do not) whether that is building roads and schools or paying lobbyists and legislators insane amounts of money to drink lunch and chase their secretaries. They do have future earnings (futures) though. Iraq has oil and the US has a lot of natural resources plus a (rapidly declining) manufacturing value. I want to make it plain here that I am not an economist. I've got some math behind me but that's not really what the argument over Social Security (SS) is about. Believe it or not the numbers aren't all that important. I mean, it's not like any of us can actually understand what a trillion dollars means.

The major questions about Social Security have to do with where the money goes after it leaves my check. And what is it going to be doing until I call for it again when I'm old? And will it be there then?

Suppose you are a child again (and I am only taking it to this level because that is where it makes most sense. I do not think you all are children or stupid), and you have a paper route or a lemonade concession or a baby-sitting concern or are mowing some lawns for money, and every morning you take a look at what you have vs. what you need (to spend) until more comes in: the difference between the 2, if positive, are your assets, if negative, your deficits (doesn't sound quite so childish now). Suppose that every morning, just after you've finished your accounting, your father or mother sticks his/her head in and says, "For every asset you've got, I would like to borrow that and give it back to you later with interest."

Now, your answer depends, rather deeply upon what you think of the parent. If your parent is trustworthy and thrifty and the rent is always paid on time and there is always food around you will probably say ,"OK". But suppose you're not sure. So, you go nextdoor to Germany and ask what they think of this proposal. They say,"Of course, I have no doubt that your parent will repay. In fact I am so sure that I have lent your parent many millions of dollars." Still not sure you might go to the Japanese, or the Brazilians, or the French, or even the Russians. And they all give you the same response.

So you agree and your parent says, "OK, if by June 30 you still don't need this then we will keep it for 1-15 years with a better rate of interest."
"But, what if I need it before then? What if I need it when winter comes and lawns don't need mowing and lemonade isn't selling?"
"Well then," your parent says, "I will give it back to you with a reduced amount of interest."
"But, what if I need it tomorrow or next week?"
"You will never lose any principal. Your quarter will always be worth a quarter even if you need it tomorrow. But if you can wait, it will be worth more."

Cute story, huh? Well, that is exactly what the Social Security Administration(SSA) does with your FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act). The money that is removed from your check (6.2% matched with 6.2% from your employer) goes into the SSA accounts (certainly not as paper dollars, but as an electronic deposit) and everyday (they claim and I believe them) they look at what they need to pay out and what they have. If they have a surplus(assets) then, as far as I can tell, the law says that they will loan this money to the Treasury in the form of either "special issue" Treasury Bonds or "Certificates of Indebtedness". The former being long-term and the latter being short-term. When June 30 rolls around whatever "Certificates of Indebtedness" they have on hand that are not immediately needed are converted to Treasury Bonds(in this discussion it is from now assumed that the Treasury Bonds purchased by SSA are not the same as such bonds that are publicly available, but just like the latter they are...) backed by the full Faith and Credit of the United States Government.

This is a very important bit here at the last:...backed by the full Faith and Credit of the United States Government. It is, in fact the crux of the biscuit in that the Government is essentially claiming that SS is broke because the Treasury Bonds(TB's) in the SS Trust Fund (SSTF) are worthless. But this is the Government telling you that their promises are no good. Now you might say that you knew that, but when it comes to money that's quite a different animal.

If the U.S. Government really believes that its promises are empty even in its financial obligations then we have really, really, big problems. And that may be so. Let's talk about separating SS from the rest of Government spending for a minute.

When Geo. Bush talked about his tax cuts, he spoke of the "surplus" as if we had it laying around in a back room of the White House. But in the Clinton years we had separated SS from the rest of the budget where in BushCo they included it. And spent it in the form of tax cuts that primarily benefited the wealthiest among us. For the moment, let's say we don't have a problem with that except that now they claim that SS is broke BECAUSE THE TREASURY THAT THEY EMPTIED FOR TAX CUTS CAN'T AFFORD TO PAY ITS OBLIGATIONS TO THE SSTF! That is really the crux of their argument, "Whoops, it was here a minute ago! Oh! hehe! that's right I gave away the cash to my friends and now all you have are these IOUs(TBs) that, well, we can't afford to pay right now." This doesn't mean that they aren't obligated to redeem the bonds. Whether or not the Treasury has the money right now, it is still obligated to buy back its bonds when the SSTF wants to sell them. The understanding that the US Government is good for its obligations is wide spread and fundamental.

So, whether or not you believe that SS is broke depends on whether or not you believe that the US Government will renege on its obligation to redeem the bonds issued to the SSTF in trade for its cash. The second the US Government declines to redeem a TB held by the SSTF is the same second it has declared its intention to decline its obligation everywhere and the world economy will falter. The second the US Government declines to redeem a TB held by the SSTF in favor of redeeming a TB held by any foriegn power is the same second that this government will have declared war on its own citizens. This is the truth and GWB is so simple that he can't see the contradiction. "I'm the leader of the greatest nation on Earth but we can't afford to pay our retirees because we can't cover the bonds in the SSTF. But, I'm still master of the world ,right? Right?" Yes, he is a fool and Karl Rove is a fool as well, but I promised this would be a Response Kit and so it will be.

So, when someone says that there are only IOUs in the SSTF, you don't have to remind them that a dollar bill is an IOU just go here and here and show them that the Bonds(IOUs) owned by the SSTF are BACKED BY THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT.

If they want to talk about when SS will go broke(2018?,2042?) go here to see a nice Think Progress page that tells it straight.

When somebody complains about administrative costs of SSA go here to see " SSA's administrative expenses, which are less than 2 percent of total outlays". Which is much less than it would cost to have it run by investment banks or mutual funds.

When somebody claims that they can get a better return in the stock market first explain that nothing is guaranteed and then go here and here to see that SSTF bonds are so secure in part because they are outside the economy and thus will follow their own interest curve even when the economy tanks like it has for the last few years. I mean, MY mutual funds haven't been growing very rapidly. Remember, with a TB you have a guaranteed rate of return.

If someone (G. Gordon Liddy) says that the Supreme Court has declared that the Government is not required to redeem its bonds owned by the SSTF, tell them that its not true. I haven't figured out an easy way to disprove this one, but I can't find evidence of it either. It seems that this rumour springs from a case of someone deported from the US who later sued to get his SS benefits. He was denied.

If someone says that FDR would have wanted to "privatize" SS like GWB wants to go here to see what FDR really said and here to get the rundown on how Brit Hume and others in the RWEC have distorted what FDR said.

If there is anyone out there who is still under the unfortunate impression that this BushCo scheme will do anything for SS solvency take them here to see what VP Cheney says about how much they will have to borrow to make this happen.

If, after you have related to them everything you've read here, they still insist that SS is going broke tomorrow (BushCo doesn't even say this anymore), go here to see the numbers as crunched by SSA actuaries.

If someone comes up with a reason why BushCo's idea is a good one that I haven't rebutted here, let me know and I'll do so tout suite. Remember, this is not a battle over solvency or an "ownership society", but an ideological battle with those who want to destroy SS because they despise FDR and the New Deal and anything else that contributes to the dignity and security of the American people. They ARE the other.

Here is a link to an Ellen Goodman article on what they are trying to do to FDR's legacy.
Here is a link to a John Berry article about how the SSTF works.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Corruption Ahoy(Oy Oy Oy)

OK, here's the crux of the current administration's biscuit for this week. Of course it's been brewing for awhile, but it's time to howl and scream and make the MSM cover it as real news. This is going to be a forest of links because the articles say it better than I can, but I will give a synopsis. First, though, the cast of characters:

Tom Delay (junior Devil to Karl Rove's Satan)

Jack Abramoff (registered lobbyist and sole proprietor of Capital Athletic Foundation)

Michael Scanlon (ex-aide to Delay and associate of Abramoff)

Ralph Reed (Ex-leader Christian Coalition and general Rightist fuck)

Chris Bell (Texas Congressman run out of office by Delay's gerrymandering after filing an Ethics Complaint against Delay)

Bob Ney (Representative of OH and associate of Abramoff)

So, we know Tom Delay is evil, but now we can take him down if we can get the MSM to cover this story. Actually, there's a better chance of them doing this than covering Gannon/Guckert.

The story: As reported by Raw Story, the Washington Post, The Center for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington and others, Jack Abramoff who with Michael Scanlon recieved millions from certain Indian tribes
by trading on Delay's name and access to help them get casinos opened on their lands, has now been shown to have billed his law firm for travel expenses for Delay. This is illegal. Abramoff has also used his Capitol Atheltic Foundation to fund trips for Delay and his aides, Bob Ney (Chairman of the House Administration Committee of 2002) and Ralph Reed and it's highly likely that this oganization has nothing to do with athletics and is simply a front for money laundering and bribery.
The Department of Justice has issued subpoenas to look into this. To be fair, Ney is appalled. Here's a report from Bill Moyers. And here you can take a look at evidence presented(including emails between Scanlon and Abramoff) to the Senate Commitee on Indian Affairs where John McCain sought to insulate Delay.

This is all pretty bad, but it gets worse: The House Ethics Committee has changed its rules to require a majority of its 10 members (5R and 5D) to even begin an investigation. And they have installed contributors to Delay on the republican side to ensure that no such will occur (indeed, take a look at the title of the members page in your browser tab. Mine says 'Republicans').

This is part and parcel of the corruption of this administration that cannot stand the Sun. Those of you in TX need to do your best to remove Delay. The rest of us need to shame our Reps into finding a way to sanction and remove him.