Thursday, March 24, 2005

Schiavo silliness

Ok, I finally got sucked into it. This is such obviously shallow grandstanding that we should all ignore it but we can't because the MSM is infatuated. Fuck. I wrote this on the Al Franken Show blog today and went back and got it because it is more lucid and coherent than what I was writing last night on DailyKos and elsewhere.

  1. The dems aren’t scared of their shadow, but they’ve had there pee-pees slapped and can’t bring themselves to further alienate the reactionary rightwing minority that DelayCo enflames with such seemingly simple calls as “life vs. death”. Admittedly it’s a tough battle to go into but not when you are speaking to people with mental ages greater than 8 or so. The Dems and regular republicans need to be willing to stand up to the rapturists and the silly MSM needs to not let this stuff run for a week above the fold. Just because people are emotionally attached to a falsity doesn’t mean it’s not false. And just because they’re emotional does not mean we need to take them seriously. The more attention they get, the more important they think they are and the better chance you have of someone doing something really, really stupid when Terri Schiavo dies. It is time we remarginalize this grouup of extremists.

    BTW, the Schidlers are part and parcel of this farce. This is not happening around them. They have engaged all sorts of quacks and fundamentalists to help whip up the frenzy. If Terri dies on Easter, we have really big problems.

    Posted by krome on 03/24 at 03:06 PM"
Cut and pasted with all the typos uncorrected because we really, really need to stop pretending that this is about anything except an extremist minority being propped up by the sickened and sickening rightwing to advance g*d knows what agenda. They will do anything to keep their nefarious shenanigans from light.

And though I am sick of hearing about it here's an article that caught my eye. And let's not forget that State's Rights are very important to the rethugs until things don't go their way at the State level.


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