Sunday, March 20, 2005

Sunday Blahs

Well, should be heading down to the "Ulysses" discussion group that I really enjoy, but I'm sick. Some nasty virus that has been coming up for a week or so. Checking in at the DailyKos Sunday talk show diary I find that it's all rethuglicans and generals...and Sinn Fein. The Democratic Party is sitting on the sidelines while the right spews lies and innuendo. Again. Come on!! You people are starting to embarass me with this laziness. Get your asses on the tube and call the liars liars.

Yesterday, walking to get some beer before heading down to the anti-War rally, I saw this adorable latina child in a beautiful burgundy, velvet dress with lace at the neck and cuffs, walking next to her mother who was pushing a stroller(pram). The child was carrying a doll. I happened to look down at her as she, while apparently looking straight ahead, walked right into a brick wall corner. I'm sure there wasn't really a sound, but I imagined a thunk and she fell down and, after a moment of stunned wonder, began to cry, softly at first and then wailing. As if the first wimpers were for the pain, not too severe since she wasn't moving that fast, followed by wails for the injustices of the world. Just walking along a Tenderloin sidewalk dressed for church or a birthday party on a Saturday, carrying your favorite doll and this...wall just jumps up and hits you in the face. I hate when that happens.


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