Tuesday, March 15, 2005

"I have to do my Happy Dance"

The above is from a post by somebody at RawStory this morning when we learned that 4 ethics groups were going to look into Tom(bugman) DeLay's(say isn't that a French name, bud?) crimes. We also now know that tomorrow at 10AM there will be a vote on whether or not the Congress will demand all information on the Gannon/Guckert scandal. Of course we know it won't pass the Rethuglican controlled House but at least we have the f***ers on the record. Social Security Destruction is deader by the minute. Oh yeah!!!

Now, I don't want to gloat when nothing's for sure...Oh Wait!! Bernie Ebbers convicted on EVERY, SINGLE one of the 11 counts of fraud and other stuff!!!Yeah!! (doing Happy Dance to King Crimson) F**k you, Bernie! and tell your wife to suck it up and stop crying. While you're answering to "Bitch!" for , perhaps, the rest of your life(possible 85 years for all counts), she's gonna have to deal with the fact that she married a Punk, an Asshole and a shitty businessman. Poor Mississippi baby! (doing Happy Dance to Lone Justice).

Now to all you people who voted for the schmucks and their supporters, let's talk. We've had our differences in the past and I will admit that I have been somewhat rigid in my belief that you mean nothing but the destruction of this country to come from your party and your votes. But, I know not all of you could see what was so obvious to the rest of us, so, I just want to say, "Step back, raise your hands where I can see them, slooowly, and GET YOUR F***ING HANDS OFF OF MY COUNTRY!!!!! NOW!!!"

OK, I have to go hand out bartending resumes.

(Doing Happy Dance to OMD and whatever else comes on...)


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