Thursday, March 10, 2005

Rich's piece

Careful readers will recall the following from "A Trip through Editorial Space" part 3:

"Whoops, I almost forgot about this one. It's not just that they aren't reporting it. When they do report it they do a really weak job,2/20:

Web Site Owner Says He Knew of Reporter's 2 Identities

"Texas Republicans said he(Bobby Eberle. kmw) was not well known in the party."
Of course they said this!!! You nitwit! He was a delegate to the 2000 RNC(, he purchased a website from a political insider(Bruce Eberle, relation unknown, but you certainly can't just say the aren't related when Bruce says he's handing off to one of the Texas Eberle clan). You guys are just determined to bury this story aren't you? “"

Searching for gannon/guckert shows no new articles since I wrote that except for Frank Rich's Arts editorial of March 6 in which he writes, (quoting the Daily Texan? No offence to at least one of this blog's readers(who edited the DT), but i spent 13 years using the DT for birdcage liner. Either they've gotten a lot better, not so according to another friend in Austin, or the NYTimes is really falling) "...
today's White House press corps is less likely to be invaded by maverick talents like a drug-addled reporter from a renegade start-up magazine than by a paid propagandist like Jeff Gannon, a fake reporter for a fake news organization (Talon News) run by a bona fide Texas Republican operative who was a delegate to the 2000 Bush convention." (emphasis mine)

Now, I was not the only one reminding them long ago that Bobby Eberle was well known in TX Rethuglican circles. The point here is that the NYTimes is "covering" the story in the Op-ed columns and so is everyone else. The editorial pages are a good place to ask questions that may never be answered(eg "Who was actually paying G/G?" ), but it is not the place to inform readers of the depth of cooperation between TalonNews and the DC Rethuglican machine.

I still don't understand why the NYTimes has been so afraid of this story. I mean, they are reporting on DeLay's corruption connections. It seems that they and many others were scared that at some point it would cave and they'd end up looking like a tabloid. But the facts were pretty solid a week or so into it and once they were ready to publish the skimpy articles they did, they were committed as far as I'm concerned.

Yet, they pulled back or out.

And you will notice that Rich goes out of his way to point out that ABC and CBS didn't report the story. You know that's just ridiculous...Calling the fucking kettle black, Frank!

They're either pusswas (thanks to Go Fug Yourself) or suckups. Either way, I'm still not buying their paper.


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