Tuesday, March 08, 2005

SS this week

Well the Bush/Snow(job) zamboni is rolling along and, surprise, there aren't any new outright lies to confront. They've already used them all and they have all been debunked repeatedly. So we get things like Snow invoking Albert Einstein to tell us why he wants to destroy Social Security and GWB saying that the private accounts will be on top off and outside of Social Security. Bullshit. They have been insisting all along that these accounts would be to provide the lion's share of benefits(Thanks to Dailykos for reading my mind and giving the perfectly succinct link to an analysis). The math still doesn't work people, and Snow, if you expect anyone to believe that you would have the first idea of how to understand anything Albert Einstein ever said, think(or try to) again. Links to transcripts when I can. And I will be dealing with Frank Rich's (pretty good) recent editorial that manages to cover information about Gannon/Guckert that the Times has previouosly failed to cover in the News section.


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