Sunday, July 10, 2005

I Blinked First.

Here's something I posted on the Well and I thought would interest those who thought I was being hard on Dad with my email of late May:


politics 2362: moral relativism and other political bogeymen
#6 of 6: Tell your piteous heart there's no harm done. (krome) Sun 10 Jul 2005 (07:45 PM)

Well, this shiny, new topic seems just the place for the following.  I
blinked. Since the election I have cut off contact with the 3 or 4
people I know who voted for Bush and/or support the war in Iraq,
including my father. Today I was feeling rambunctious and decided to
call these people up and see how their war was going. Dad was the only
one home. Dad has no idea what the Downing St. Memo is. None. Dad
has no idea that Judy Miller was hawking this war on the pages of the
Times, though he did say that he had read a book by Howard Stern that
said that the Times was a left leaning anti-Bush organ. When told that
Howard Stern has had strippers on his radio program, Dad was shocked.
Dad, despite being reminded 2 or 3 times that both Bush and Cheney
have stated that there is not a shread of evidence linking Iraq with
9/11, repeatedly equated the war in Iraq with a response to 9/11.

Dad lives in Conroe, TX(suburb north of Houston) annd doesn't know
much of anything, but he is very sure that if Kerry went against Bush
today, he would vote the same way. Why? Because Kerry lied. What did
Kerry lie about? Kerry told the people of Ohio that he would get
their jobs back and that, according to 'economist' Dad(he does have a
BS in math and an MBA, but this is the first time I have heard him call
himself an economist) is a lie unforgivable. Even when pressed to
admit that 'lying' about getting someone a job is not as bad as lying
about things that get 1800 young, American men and women killed, he was
still going to vote for Bush in a heartbeat, because "all politicians

The most surreal moments were when Dad, first, asked if people didn't
lie to go to war in the Middle Ages and, later asked what King Arthur's
true motives might have been. When reminded(?) that (1) we aren't
living in the Middle Ages and (2) King Arthur is a fairy tale, Dad had
nothing to say.

I'm sure some of the more grounded souls around here get tired of me
and others talking about Mythos vs. Logos but I'm afraid that's exactly
where we are. At least with respect to one 64 year old,
ex-photographic agency executive, semi-retired resident of Conroe, TX
who, as far as I know, has only left this country thrice(honeymoon in
'64 in Mexico, going to visit Mom during the seperation(with all 4
kids) that ended in divorce in Paris in '77 and Canada circa 2000) in
his life and doesn't regret that.

We are in deep, deep trouble."


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