Monday, May 30, 2005

Email to Dad.

"Dad, I don't know if you know this, but I have stopped communicating with people I know who voted for Bush. Therefore I wasn't sure whether or not to write and thank you for your B-day message and gift. I decided I should. so, thanks for the phone message and the book. I appreciate the thought. However, I will also take this opportunity to remind you that the man you voted for for President is a war criminal among other things and your vote has brought us many steps closer to fascism in this nation. This is not only my opinion. The Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune has even now decided that this war in Iraq has no justification and is killing our young people for no reason. If you have reason to doubt this and would like proof, since I know you don't get any real news let me know. This Memorial Day, I want you to know that the blood of the US soldiers and that of the perhaps 100,000 Iraqi civilians killed so far in your President's war is on your hands.



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