Friday, July 08, 2005

How it's going.

Someone on the Well asked me how the opening to my show at Vesuvio last night went and this is what I had to say:

It was fun.  I mean, I'm a pseudo regular there so I get a friend who
used to bartend there to make up really nice foodstuffs and that always
gets people in the door. And since I am somewhat known(I didn't say
'liked') in the neighborhood, lots of regulars show up and you get the
happy hour crowd, etc. I passed out flyers, per usual, to all the
downtown galleries who have seen me doing the same 3 times this year,
so maybe they are getting used to the fact that I exist and produce.
But it was 1st Thursday so they had their own gigs(what a great excuse
for not having gallery people, eh?).

Everyone had good things to say and the one or two other artists who
showed up asked intelligent questions and made sensible comments
leading me to believe that they were interested. The woman who did the
food told me at one point, "If you were in New York everyone would be
saying that you were fabulous." And I told her that, indeed, if after
I have 12 paintings(plus my photos) I still can't get a gallery show in
SF I will be heading for NY or London(I'm a UK citizen as well as US).
That's the first time I have ever, even privately, put a deadline on
my stay here(9 years in August). When I moved here, I told myself that
I would stay 10-15 years and then go elsewhere, so this new deadline
jibes with the earlier one.

All in all a good show. Even got some people who really don't know
nor care about art saying they liked the pieces, which is the point.
Painting loud enough to get the blind interested. "

Which is to say that I am back to doing what I was doing-and loved doing- when
I was 15-22 then gave up for 20 years or so. Just so you know the plan.


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