Saturday, April 16, 2005

From the Well(someone else this time)

From Bill Bryan on the Well, reposted with permission, just about sums it up:

 The odds are so against getting working people to wise up. I have
just been indelibly reminded of that by working four jobs alongside
"working people" over the last seven months: machinists, caretakers,
electrical contractor outlet, newspaper delivery. They don't know the
difference between Republican and the Queen of Sheeba, don't care, and
don't want to know. I asked a mousey little blonde woman about 50 doing
finishing on electronic casings if she voted for Bush. She just looked
straight ahead and said in a hushed disapproving tone, "That's
private." They are happily disgruntled sheep, fiercely protective and
secretly vexed simultaneiously by their boss who they know is gently
screwing them. They are fortified by their endless little collections
of wrongs and miseries done them by people and THE SYSTEM and that
world out there which they know damn well you can't "change." What are
you, nuts, man? But it's all okay because, don't you see, they have The
Church. And that ecstatic womb of that church keeps them medicated
with the sure knowledge that things may seem rotten but they must
remember they are only a breath away from heaven and if they try they
can feel it right now. So just grin and bear it. This is the best of
all possible worlds, people. Now let us pray. This scenario entails so
much more of this country than I ever realized--making me realize how
skewed a view I was inculcated with by my and my peers' intense
youthful political experiences of the sixties and seventies. The mass
bulk of this country--and that's what this country is to such a
near-incredible degree it seems anymore: a mass of gluttonous, obese or
just fat, ignorant, illiterate, provincial, not lazy--quite the
opposite, disinterested and uninterested in the world, acquisitiveness
being their main lifestyle, industrious, sanctimonious sheep. The
relentless, ubiquitous Republican propaganda juggernaut cuddling,
coaching and "rewarding" them every inch of the way at every private
and public gathering has their heads and hearts snugly wrapped in blind
faith and buried in the sand. They are impenetrable."

Uummm, I think we need to wake these people up. I reaaaalllly don't want to
live through a Depression. Poverty sucks.

So what else is gonna do it?


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