Thursday, April 28, 2005


here's a little bit of bio that I posted on a WELL punk rock topic, all true(to life as the Roxy Music song says):

"#11 of 17: Tell your piteous heart there's no harm done. (krome) Thu 28 Apr 2005 (03:54 PM)
I have a Dead Kennedys backstage pass(Houston Rock Island show) circa
1979 or 80 attached to my flute case. 'Nuff said, except I don't play
it anymore and, yes, I have been asked at least once if I played flute
for the Kennedys.

I still appreciate hearing some punk. Caroline does a great show on
KUSF 12-3 on wednesdays, that I don't get to hear often enough. But I
was so young(14 in 79) and so poor that I never bought any of the
records. To me it always was more of a live phenomenon, mostly about
alleviating suburban boredom while maybe learning something about the
politics of the day. One of my favorite bands, still, is Au Pairs
though they wouldn't qualify as punk. I really, really love the late
70's/early 80's stuff that took punk and roasted it with Ska and other
stuff. That era is lost forever, but it was *alot* of fun to be a
teenager(and a runaway) in:no AIDS, cocaine and speed everywhere and
walking around with ripped jeans and 3 earrings was enough to get you
kicked out of the public library. I will be 40 in fewer than 4 weeks
and I still don't know how this has happened. I still don't know if I
care. "


Anonymous Anonymous said...

After reading alas... I got a wonderful idea and some of your other posts. Frankly I was looking for buy backstage pass resources and came here. Good thing though. I am inspired now once again. krome keep up the good work. I'll check back later. Hello from Las Vegas.

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next time I'll spend a little more time and read more. alas... was good. I wish you had information on buy backstage pass. That is what I was looking for. Anyway got to run thanks krome for you slant.

4:28 PM  

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