Saturday, May 14, 2005


I'm not going to give you the f**king links. You already have them to the right of your screen and most of you have never bothered to check this stuff out. You are sheep. You think you are too busy to find out that you are under the rule of fascists, but what you are busy doing is watching the TV which lies to you constantly. And maybe bitching about your worthless lives. Yeah, life is tough, babe! Go listen to some fucking Dave Matthews(Oh American baby....) or some oldies station that will make you feel OK. YOU ARE STUPID! Face it. You can't be trusted to govern yourselves. You simply don't understand the world around you and how it came to be. It came to be through your fanatical self regard you stupid fucker. It came to be because you can't possibly understand how you might fit into this world without being at the top of the food chain. Your Ego is your undoing, you stupid fuck. I could provide links to numerous articles to prove that I am not the only one who feels this way, but why bother? You won't read them anyway. Fuck you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, who the f**k are you talking to?! I almost didn't reply to this so as not to anger you even more.....if that is even possible. The hosility coming from you is a bit much k. Chill.

6:27 PM  
Blogger krome said...

Indeed, I know it is a harsh statement, little brother, but I can't keep supplying links to important news that no one reads. I just recently had lunch witth a very bright friend who didn't know that we had a memo from 10 Downing the proves that we have been lied to as I have known for a week. Why? Because this person has never bothered to check out the links I supply along the right margin of this blog. They are not there for decoration. I am not a dispensor of information, only a conduit. You guys are going to have to get it from the source eventually. Or not.

I have seen this happen b4 and if you guys want to blunder your way into fascism or McCarthyism again....well, I will do my best to allow you to do it without me.

Chill indeed. Apparently, I can't adequately describe to you where you are. That is extremely frustrating.

8:20 AM  

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