Thursday, October 27, 2005

Who is Karl Rove?

(per a post of mine on the WELL)

politics 2034: Karl Rove
#1489 of 1508: Tell your piteous heart there's no harm done. (krome) Wed 26 Oct 2005 (02:22 PM)

"He's a brat and a bully wannabe.  He doesn't have the physical
presence or acumin to take his 'rightful' place at the top of the world
so he shepherds proxies who have more money and connections into the
powerful positions he craves. Then he holds on tightly and viciously
to the power he gets on the sidelines. He believes that this is his
right so any attempt to screw with him he fights as if he is fighting
an intruder in his home. He is a meglomaniac. Bush is a narcissist.
They both believe without doubt of any sort that they are of the elite
of which Leo Strauss spoke but they haven't his objectivism. They are
lost and are struggling against a force that doesn't exist outside
their own feverish dreams of power. They are, in fact, struggling
against their own ineptitude and powerlessness over death of which they
are deathly afraid(witness Bush's 2-3 hours per day of excercise).
Both of them are deeply ashamed that they have never had much of a
libido. They are afraid of women. They are afraid of life because
they have never been able to take full part in it. They are impestuous
children and most of the electorate are lazy children. Condi and
Harriet Miers are Bush's protection against sexual women. They are
women who tell him it is OK not to desire women because they do not in
any way desire him.

This is one seriously fucked up situation."


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