Saturday, September 24, 2005

Art Shows

For readers of this blog in the Bay Area who aren't on my email list: I will have paintings at 2 SF art shows in the next 2 weeks. On October 2 there will be arts and music and stuff from 12-6 at Art in the Alley which takes place in Kerouac alley which is between Vesuvio and City Lights. Check out for more details.

Then on October 8 from 11-5 or so, we will be having the First Annual Boeddeker Park Arts Festival. The park is here in the Tenderloin at Jones and Eddy. It should be fun.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

3 words not often heard...

"linmc said...

I miss you.

8:25 PM

krome said...

I miss you too, I'm sure.;)

10:50 AM

From the previous post's comments. Not words I hear much. Not that I'm the only one. It's so easy to feel alone wherever one is. Wherever one is so very far from 'home', whatever 'home' means. When I moved to where I am 9 years ago, I had a lot more people on my winter card list than I do now. Those who don't respond after 2 years get cut.

I don't know who linmc is. It doesn't matter. I miss so many things that I can be very sure that I miss linmc among them. There are a great many things worse than loneliness. Trust me. Sometimes it seems that having things to miss is a luxury.

And these cold distances we cross everyday...well, they just seem to get longer, don't they?

Monday, September 05, 2005


I wonder vaguely, as I get ready for another 11 hour day, how many times since 1983 I have listened to this record. There is, of course no way to even begin counting. Which is probably why I bother entertaining the thought.

Arguably, but not really, EC&TA's best ever.

Friday, September 02, 2005



noun wealth regarded as an evil influence or false object of worship.

— ORIGIN New Testament Greek mamonas, from an Aramaic word meaning ‘riches’; see Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6 and Gospel of Luke, chapter 16."


2 nights ago I catered an event. It was a sales celebration by one of the largest software/internet communications companies in the world. The router through which I am writing this has this company's name on it.

200+ people stuffed into the Old Federal Reserve Bank building to be told that so-and-so sold 126+% of goal and whosit sold such and such and over and over again for 3 hours. An hour less than planned. They should have ditched the bamboo seating and brought in prayer rugs and a huge neon dollar sign. People could have a few drinks at the bar and then come and pray to the only fucking god they know, the only piece of this godforsaken planet they have any stake in.

At the time, I had a message on my phone from someone who wanted to chat about a sales position that I might like to take. It happens that this is a company and a product line that I would be very happy to represent, except . . . except that I can't go to any more dinners like the one above as anything other than a caterer. Can't do it. I can't sit there with some piece of "cheap, landfill plastic"(a catering colleague) corporate souvenir(these are always handed out) and cheer for all the money that is going to fill the hole in these people's souls.(Yes: one hole, many souls)

I am no longer living 'up to my potential'. Again. I spent many years, happy ones, not living up to my potential and a few unhappy ones trying to live up to it.

The next day I returned the call to the sales position's voice mail and told him that I was 'not a viable candidate at this time'. Fuck it. Life is way too short to live like this.

I knew something was wrong long ago. It is still wrong.