Saturday, May 19, 2007


they probably won't let it stay up for 30 seconds on their "Share your thoughts on Dubai as a Vacation spot" page:

My thoughts on Dubai as a vacation spot? How about mandatory viewing of the stoning death of the young woman in Kurdistan under the ignorant gaze of the security forces? See it on YouTube

And if the NYT censors this because of the YT mention just go there and search for Du'a Khalil Aswad.

This is what the war in Iraq is supporting. I used to keep these types of comments for my blog but since you are asking for my thoughts on visiting the future base of Halliburton, I thought it my duty.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

"It has long been evident that President Bush decided to invade Iraq first, and constructed his ramshackle case for the war after the fact."


It has also long been evident that your paper, ie. your editorial board,
decided to pursue this war without any evidence of its necessity. I
have mentioned it before and I will continue to do so: you owe it to
the public and to yourselves and to your god to remind your readers of
your own culpability in getting us into this useless war on the evidence
which you now impugn so regularly. Have you no shame?

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Yeah, and you helped bring us to this point. Never forget it.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

And then..

You tube offered me the opportunity to watch this video of a Rush song I have always liked:

Take a look at the poster on the studio wall.


I have been doing alot of thinking about what I want from and where I am and where I am going with my life in preparation for my first xmas with my mother in over 20 years. And the only real question that I have is: why do we spend so much time thinking of the past and what might have been?

I spent this morning watching Mulholland Drive and playing guitar while I watched it. The first time I saw this movie 3 or 4 years ago it scared the hell out of me. Tonight I watched it again while playing guitar with the recorder going. We'll see what it sounds like. But MD again is about the past.

In memory of Robert Altman on his death, I DLed The Player and that led me to DL Cinema Paradiso which, of course, led me to DL MD. These 3 together, in pretty much any order, destroy Hollywood and the movies. Or at least their mystique. They destroy it thoroughly. So much the better.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


OK, I stopped posting here in June because I didn't have anything to add to the political discourse that was going on. It seemed then that the people and media were finally fucking waking up and last night they proved it. I am told that AP, Reuters, ABC,CBS, and NBC are all calling the VA race for Webb which gives us both houses back for 2 years. Good. Do something with it.

I might even close this blog if I knew how.


Saturday, June 24, 2006

ya know?

I'm getting a little bored with this excercise of reminding the bleeping NYTimes that they were completely, and utterly behind going to war in Iraq when they complain that now we can't do anything about North Korea.

I said in the previous post that in every issue you should remind your readers, above the fold, that you got us into this war, so the least you can do whilst you are whining about some ill defined threat from someplace you have utterly ignored as they probably built nuclear weapons, is to remind us about the uselessness of this Iraq war for oil which you helped drive us into. Will the hypocracy never cease?

Saturday, May 27, 2006

to the Times wrt "bringing it all back home"

WRT this.

"Still, an understandable gloom had been cast over the room."

A typically well rounded story from you guys, but in all the 10 pages I
didn't see ONE single mention of the fact that it was your reports by
Judy Miller and Elizabeth Bumiller that helped lead this nation into
this useless and probably illegal war.

On the front page of every issue, above the fold, until we are removed
from Iraq, you should be reminding your readers of your very large part
of starting and sustaining this war. There is blood on each and every of
your pages and you have the GALL to report on the disfunction of
returning soldiers when it was your organ that helped to send them
there. You, obviously, have no shame. You have created the story you
report and you expect applause. You get none. Send your glory seeking
reporters to Iraq and have them stay there until the US pulls out.

You put us there and you should not be allowed to make money off of your
war-mongering. Feh!