Saturday, May 27, 2006

to the Times wrt "bringing it all back home"

WRT this.

"Still, an understandable gloom had been cast over the room."

A typically well rounded story from you guys, but in all the 10 pages I
didn't see ONE single mention of the fact that it was your reports by
Judy Miller and Elizabeth Bumiller that helped lead this nation into
this useless and probably illegal war.

On the front page of every issue, above the fold, until we are removed
from Iraq, you should be reminding your readers of your very large part
of starting and sustaining this war. There is blood on each and every of
your pages and you have the GALL to report on the disfunction of
returning soldiers when it was your organ that helped to send them
there. You, obviously, have no shame. You have created the story you
report and you expect applause. You get none. Send your glory seeking
reporters to Iraq and have them stay there until the US pulls out.

You put us there and you should not be allowed to make money off of your
war-mongering. Feh!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

On turning 41

For those who haven't read my post of last year at this time it is here.

After speaking with my youngest sister and my brother by telephone today, I believe that I am doing alright. Poor, but doing alright.

My sister had the grace or insight to ask, after I had gone through my monetary lamentations to ask, "But, the creative stuff is still going"? Yes, it is! And thanks for asking! That is exactly what we are about over here at Thank you for noticing!

My brother, later said that he hopes I can find the balance I am searching for. I think I can. I mean most people have really, really fucked up priorities... I mean really fucked up priorities, but I have some small hope that I can live my life as I wish. And that is all I am asking for(I promise I will get more into this soon, as if I can presume to teach anyone).

I am working too many jobs for too little money but getting alot done, and that is what's important. Check out the arts and music sites and BUY SOMETHING!!

Thank you in advance.