Thursday, January 05, 2006

Again to the Times...

"I have just watched James Risen refuse to respond at all to questions posed by Andrea Mitchell over the Times sitting on the NSA eavesdropping story for a year. When asked if he knew of this before the election, he refused to comment.

You guys are in it deep and you aren't doing yourselves any favors in lying by omission to the American people. I believe that you did know about this eavesdropping before the election and that you sat on the story to curry favor with the Administration. I believe you only printed it when it became obvious that Risen's book was imminent. You have, once again, given up any right to refer to yourselves as investigative journalists. You have, in fact, given up any right to refer to yourselves as honest.

Between allowing Judy Miller to help the Administration justify an unjustifiable war by reprinting their lies and distortions as fact and abetting this illegal wiretapping by *not* printing the truth in a timely manner, you and all at your paper have done the greatest of disservices to this country and to the spirit of democracy."

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

ho hum

It's been over 3 months since I updated this thing and just yesterday Jack Abramoff knelt and offered to su...uhm cooperate with the justice dept. Sooooo, everything is coming up roses. All I have to say is, "To everyone who voted for these corrupt bastards, and everyone who was/is behind this useless war: FUCK YOU!" and that includes the NYTimes.