Friday, August 12, 2005

Cindy Sheehan

OK, the good thing is that the war is getting play in the media. The bad thing is that the Right Wing Noise Machine is, once again, being allowed to dictate the terms of the discussion. I've heard the same stuff coming out of the Fox bloviators and now the preznit saying it means that the NYTimes and, presumably, others are printing it as fact.

"He said he has thought ``long and hard'' about her demand to ''get out of Iraq now'' and strongly disagreed, saying a premature withdrawal would betray the Iraqis just as they are being trained to defend themselves and allow for a U.S. pullout."

Cindy Sheehan, as far as I know, has never made any statement advocating immediate troop withdrawal or troop withdrawal of any sort. She wants to know why her son died in Iraq. Two years ago she would have been called a traitor and arrested. Now that larger and larger portions of the American sheeple are finally waking up to the outright lies that led us into this misbegotten quagmire, they just pretend that everything's going according to 'plan'(I won't even go there) and if anybody wants to know why the hell their son has died that means they want immediate pullout.

Well, it doesn't and I've heard that there are lots and lots of others making the trip down to Crawford. Their machine is starting to falter as people wake up. We just have to keep tripping them.

And if you're wondering how much this is costing you, check out the realtime calculator just under the Global Stupidity Monitor to your right.

Here are a couple of flags I painted for the Air America bumper sticker contest. I may be making t-shirts out of them. Let me know if you'd be interested in one (~$15).

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


I just got carded at the Whole Foods buying some wine!