Sunday, February 27, 2005

A trip through Editorial Space(shiver!) Part 3/3

Whoops, I almost forgot about this one. It's not just that they aren't reporting it. When they do report it they do a really weak job,2/20:

Web Site Owner Says He Knew of Reporter's 2 Identities

"Texas Republicans said he(Bobby Eberle. kmw) was not well known in the party."
Of course they said this!!! You nitwit! He was a delegate to the 2000 RNC(, he purchased a website from a political insider(Bruce Eberle, relation unknown, but you certainly can't just say the aren't related when Bruce says he's handing off to one of the Texas Eberle clan). You guys are just determined to bury this story aren't you? “

That got no reply and was the last article on the subject from the Times.

Where you see “(...)” or “(Sir)”, I have removed actual names, though it's easy enough for anyone reading this to discover mine. I also fixed some typos and a single case of bad grammer on my part. Otherwise these are unmodified.

It is just before 11AM on 2/27. SusanG on DailyKos informs us yesterday(the joys of time stamps that tell you you were let know before you saw it) that Jeff Gannon is the author of part of the Congressional Record of the Senate of November 17,2003 because Senator Craig Thomas of WY asked that it be so and the question is still,"Where's the story?". Not in the NYTimes and, so, not in the SFChronicle although they did run a reprint of Howie Kurtz's puff piece in a Saturday edition(low readership of news) and an editorial after a visit from Joe Biden who talks a big game but has refused to sign a letter with other senators demanding a full administration investigation. Of course I wrote to the Chronicle the following:

"And just how many stories have you guys run on this in the past 2-3 weeks? I've only seen one reprint of Howie Kurtz's useless article in a Saturday edition. You are part of the problem along with Biden who talks a big game and then refuses to sign a senate letter demanding an explanation from the administration."

Which got no response. I also called Biden's office to ask why he wasn't signing the letter and was told that he didn't want to ask the administration to investigate itself. OK, so, how is he going to get an independent investigation going? "That's a good question.", I was told. When I mentioned that it was an important political statement his aide said that Biden didn't want to make it a political issue. Yeah. Right. Publicly, the Biden camp has said that he didn't have time to read the letter. Go ahead and read it slowly 2 or 3 times and you'll be but half an hour older. I will do everything I can to keep Biden from becoming preident just for this.

Recently The New Yorker has decided that the story is not worth covering because nothing is likely to happen. To which I wrote:

"Well, now that Hendrick Hertzberg has deigned to opine that this story is dead, I suppose all the other print media who have been doing their best to find reasons to run, not walk, away from it can now do so with the comfort of knowing that it has at last been "covered" and killed. How dare you use such a backhanded technique to excuse your publication for being just as lazy as the Times. "

So, where's the story? Pretty much where it started, in the blogosphere (of which I am now a proud member). The MSM occasionally gets some on its fingers but wipes it off as soon as it can. I have yet to see a report that mentions 1/3 of what is commonly known by the bloggers. For instance; every time the bloggers expose another website connected to this thing the site goes down or it is scrubbed clean of whatever drew the interest. Talon news(owned by the Bobby Eberle mentioned above) scrubbed all Jeff Gannon material a few weeks ago and 2 days ago shut itself down.

These people cannot handle scrutiny. They are opportunist scum of the lowest sort that dies on exposure to the Sun or Reason or Reality. Check out USANext who have decided to try to destroy the AARP so they can help push throuugh BushCo's Social Security fiasco. If you want to see what other causes they have whored for in the past go here. Charles Jarvis doesn't look like that because he is a happy, balanced individual.

These people must be stopped and, apparently, we cannot rely on the NYTimes, NPR or the rest of the MSM to do the job though that's what they are paid to do; fight for the truth. If you disagree with how your news media are "covering" things, let them know. And let them know that you will take your dissatisfaction out on their pocket book. Better yet, let them know that you won't read, listen to or watch them. Most of these people need at least the illusion that someone is listening.

I have listened to NPR for less than an hour since I wrote that note and I haven't bought a hard copy of the NYTimes since the 9th of February, though I do still give them $40 per year for access to their crosswords.


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